"Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision." Joel :14
Fear and uncertainty are widespread. From a global pandemic, to rapidly shifting political structures and allegiances, to a multitude of voices offering competing claims to Truth, the world today is one that promotes conspiracy, confusion, and chaos. So many today have fallen victim to widespread fear and uncertainty and are looking for something to attach to as an anchor...something to give them hope. Unfortunately, many look to a political ideology or candidate, or to some version of political or national identity as that hope and anchor. These will surely disappoint.
As servants of the Lord, our ultimate hope is in our King, and in His coming Kingdom. As Joel describes in the above passage, there is a coming "day of the LORD" when such chaos and confusion will be put to an end. Until then, our King has put us His servants on mission, to be instruments of His purpose to bring restoration and redemption to the lost and the broken.
Multitudes upon multitudes are in the valley of decision. In that valley distraction abounds as competing voices offer their versions of false hope. As servants of the King, our voices should be His voice, pointing His lost sheep to the Good Shepherd...steering them towards hope that won't disappoint. We should be about our Master's business.
...our King has put us His servants on mission, to be instruments of His purpose to bring restoration and redemption to the lost and the broken.
In the valley of decision, the day of the LORD truly is near, because the voices that are heard in that valley may very well determine a person's eternity. We encounter people every day in the valley of decision. Which hope do we point them to? On that day, will we be found to have been about the King's business, pointing people to the true hope and the redemption and restoration found in Him? Or rather, are we guilty of promoting false hope?
Every ruler, every political structure and form of earthly government will soon be brought under the rule of the one true King. He alone has "great and unmatched wisdom" and His rule will be a rule of truth, and of righteousness, and of justice. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord.
I am investing in His kingdom. My hope is in that day. The only hope for this world is in that day. Come, Lord Jesus.